Adult & Pediatric Patients
Aeromedevac air medical teams are fully versed in Adult and Pediatric care. The full spectrum of medical equipment and supplies we inventory are sized for adults and children. Children are secured on the stretcher using a pediatric safety harness.
Monitors, infusion pumps and ventilators have specific pediatric settings. The pharmacy has pediatric doses for children.
The medical air transporation teams abide by adult and pediatric care protocols established by both our Medical Director and our Chief Flight Nurse. These care protocols are updated frequently to match the latest, confirmed improvements in medical care both in general and patient specific.
A member of the medical team is always available to speak with clinicians and family members about a patient.
Our air ambulance medical team is responsible for the patient from discharge at the sending facility to acceptance at the receiving facility. We also accompany patients in their ground ambulance. It isn’t door to door, it is bed to bed.